Consultants, Specialist Nurses and other staff



University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 


Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology

Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, LE1 5WW


The Endocrine Team

Consultant Endocrinologists


Dr Miles J Levy,  MD FRCP


Dr Miles Levy has been Consultant Endocrinologist in Leicester Royal Infirmary since 2005 and is honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine in the University of Leicester.


He has as an interest in all disorders of the endocrine system and conducts both general and sub-specialist endocrine clinics throughout the week. He has particular expertise in the full range of pituitary diseases as well as running a tertiary service for adrenal, thyroid, gynaecological endocrinology, male hypogonadism, antenatal endocrine and genetic endocrine disorders. Dr Levy is also a general physician and is happy to advise about ‘grey cases’ in outpatients where the initial diagnosis is not clear. He is also happy to see patients with electrolyte disturbances such as calcium and sodium disorders. He remains committed to the on call general medical rota and has an inpatient bed base.


Dr Levy is a very active member for the Society for Endocrinology. He is Associate Editor of The Endocrinologist and plays a national role in the commissioning and delivery of endocrine services. He continues to publish and conduct endocrine research, regularly referees papers for UK and US Clinical Endocrinology and Pituitary journals, is marker of abstracts for British Endocrine Society and is invited speaker at national endocrine conferences. He has a major interest in education, being educational lead for undergraduate endocrinology as well as Royal College of Physicians Tutor. He runs the weekly physicians Grand Round at LRI as well as organising regular postgraduate meetings.  


Dr Levy’s general endocrine clinics run on Monday, Tues and Friday mornings with a monthly gynaecological endocrinology clinic on a Thursday. He also does monthly sub-specialist joint thyroid surgical, pituitary, adrenal, paediatric and antenatal clinics.







E-Mail Miles Levy



Dr Ragini C Bhake,  PhD, MRCP


Dr Ragini Bhake started as Consultant Endocrinologist in Leicester Royal Infirmary in May 2015.


Her clinics deal with the full range of endocrine disorders,


Dr Bhake’s clinics are usually held on Tuesday and Friday mornings






E-Mail Ragini Bhake


Dr Narendra Reddy,  MD, MRCP


Dr Narendra Reddy started as Consultant Endocrinologist in Leicester Royal Infirmary in 2016.


His clinics deal with the full range of endocrine disorders,


Dr Reddy’s clinics are usually held on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings






E-Mail Narendra Reddy


Dr Marie-France Kong,  DM FRCP


Dr Marie-France Kong has been Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust since 2002, and she is one of the consultants in the Endocrinology Clinic on the LRI on Tuesday mornings.



Dr Kong’s Diabetes clinics are mostly performed at the Leicester General Hospital Site




Dr Paul McNally,  MD FRCP


Dr Paul McNally has been Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust since 1994. He runs and Endocrinology Clinic and Andrology Clinic on Fridays.



Dr McNally’s Diabetes clinics are mostly performed at the Leicester General Hospital Site




Endocrine Specialist Nurses



Emma Bremner, RGN


Emma has been Endocrine Specialist Nurse in the department since 2015.


Emma has overall responsibility for complex endocrinology blood tests and endocrine patient education. She is also the main person responsible for the day-to-day reporting of results in the Thyrotoxicosis Share-Care Scheme.


Carole Robinson,  RGN


Carole Robinson is Endocrine Nurse at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.


Carole will often be the person to organise your specialist endocrinology blood tests and to carry them out



Other Doctors in the Endocrinology Clinic


University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust is a nationally-recognised centre for training in the specialty of endocrinology.


Many of our clinics will therefore include doctors who are specialty trainees.


All of these doctors are fully qualified in medicine and most will already hold the postgraduate qualification which is required to become a specialty registrar (the MRCP or Membership of the Royal College of Physicians) but they may be at any stage in the 5 years of specialty training required to become a Consultant endocrinologist.


Although you may see a specialty trainee in the clinic, your care is ultimately the responsibility of one of our consultant endocrinologists. At least one consultant will be working in every clinic (other than in exceptional circumstances). The specialist trainee may already be fully competent to manage your endocrine disorder, but will often discuss the case with us in clinic where decisions are more complex.


If you have any concerns about the advice you are being given in clinic then please ask for your case to be discussed with the consultant. We will also be happy to book you onto the consultant’s own list at your next attendance (but cannot always guarantee that there will be enough time to see you during the current visit)







Medical Students


University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust is a teaching hospital which trains medical students, and the main place where Leicester students will be able to learn about endocrinology is in the clinics of our department.


You will therefore often find that a medical student is sitting in the consultation room when you attend clinic, because we believe that it is important for the next generation of doctors to learn as much as possible about endocrine conditions and their diagnosis and treatment.


We hope that you will be happy for them to hear your story and observe the treatment of your endocrine condition. However, if for any reason you would prefer to see one of the doctors or nurses without a medical student present then just ask – we will always be happy to arrange this.