Endocrinology Website

Leicester Royal Infirmary


University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 

Leicester Centre for Genetics, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Leicester Royal Infirmary

Department of Endocrinology

Leicester, LE1 5WW, UK

Dr Miles J Levy

Dr Ragini C Bhake

Dr Narendra Reddy




0116 258 5157

0116 258 5157



Clinic Co-ordinators:  0116 258 5964                                                               Direct Fax:         0116 258 5344                                                          endocrinology@uhl-tr.nhs.uk            

Service Manager:       0116 258 5971                        Head of Service (Dr M-F Kong):              0116 258 5402

Specialist Nurses:   Endocrinology Nurse Practitioner                       0116 258 5702                                                                                                 


This website gives you quick access to information related endocrine disorders and to the specialist Endocrinology Clinics at Leicester Royal Infirmary


About the Department

What is endocrinology?

Consultant and Nursing Staff

Contact us

Patient Information


All Endocrinology Patient Information Sheets

Thyrotoxicosis      Polycystic Ovary Syndrome       Vitamin D deficiency


COVID-19: Advice and Resources for GP’s and UHL Endocrinology Patients

Endocrinology in UHL will do its best to support you during the pandemic and lockdown …

·         If you can’t reach us through usual channels then do try an email to endocrinology@uhl-tr.nhs.uk – we will make sure that someone looks at this Inbox on a regular basis.

·         Make sure that you have enough of your hormone treatments and replacement therapy.

·         If you are on steroid replacement therapy then …

o   Usual “sick day rules” still apply – if you have a fever or are unwell you need to double your dose and call for help. Steroids don’t increase your risk of falling ill, but they are essential to protect you if you do.

o   You can download a new NHS Steroid Emergency Care here – print it out and carry it if you need to access healthcare.

o   Regularly updated Society for Endocrinology guidance for the emergency is here

·         Society for Endocrinology advice for a wide range of conditions is here.

·         If you are due for a routine appointment then this has almost certainly been cancelled already – “virtual clinics” are being used in their place.

·         If you are due for a routine blood test or scan …

o   It’s possible this can be delayed until after the crisis and lockdown – if you are well and nothing else has changed. Most “annual” bloods or scans will be fine if they stretch to 18 months, if you are well in yourself.

o   For Thyrotoxicosis Shared-Care patients – if your dose hasn’t changed, and you feel well (and especially if you know that you would recognise when you are over- or under-active) then you can almost certainly double the suggested interval before the next test.

o   If in doubt – contact us via your usual route – or try endocrinology@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

·         Stay safe and follow the recommended social distancing and isolation rules – by doing so you protect yourself and you reduce risk of harm to others.

Thyrotoxicosis Share-Care


Email Interface

TSC Information Sheets

Clinics and Services


Clinic Location and Times

Choose and Book Services

Blood Tests

Referral Guidance

Referral guidance is in preparation and hyperlinks will become live as guidance is published:



Goitre and Thyroid Nodules

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Hirsutism and Menstrual disorders

Suspected Male Hypogonadism

Suspected Pituitary Disease

Suspected Adrenal Deficiency

Adrenal masses

Phaeochromocytoma and other endocrine hypertension

Delayed puberty and other disorders of adolescence

Treatment and Management Guidelines

Our department’s Treatment and Management Guidelines for endocrine disorders are currently being reviewed and revised.

We aim to make the new versions suitable for general publication, and plan to publish them on this web site when the revisions are complete.